
Shallow groundwater supply
Irrigating with ground water
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Landowners who irrigate with groundwater
should take care to avoid productivity losses
through salt damage.

Landowners who irrigate with
groundwater should take care to avoid
productivity losses through salt damage.


Groundwater is a valuable water resource for irrigation however it contains dissolved salt which can affect plant health and soil structure.

The salinity of groundwater is variable. The shallow groundwater system in the Shepparton Irrigation Region has salinities that range from fresh (less to 500 EC units) to brackish (greater than 5,000 EC units) and can vary markedly over short distances.

Where groundwater system is used for irrigation it is critical to know the salinity of the water applied to crops. To maximise the productive use of groundwater, careful management may be required, depending on groundwater salinity.

More information about the safe use of groundwater for irrigation can be found by Clicking Here
